Filebeat how to not generate dashboards automatically

I wanted to ask is there a configuration where I can disable Filebeat from automatically generating dashboards in Kibana? Most of the dashboards Filebeat generates are useless to me and it is a hassle to remove.

In the filebeat.yml file, loading in sample dashboards should be disabled by default. Should I uncomment the line setup.dashboards.enabled: false to ensure this setting is applied? Or is it possible to not setup filebeat with the command filebeat setup, thus not creating the dashboards. However, would Filebeat start properly then?

Any help is appreciated, thank you!


This setting is indeed disabled by default, but uncommenting the line ensures that this setting is applied.


Hi yago,

I will give this a try and see if it works, thank you!

Is there somewhere in the documentation where this is detailed though?

Hi @yago82 ,
Tried it but filebeat still seems to load the dasboards even when setup.dashboards.enabled: false when I type the command filebeat setup -e.

Do you think it is possible to just never setup filebeat, so the dashboards are never generated?


You can simply just run setup with just the proper flags

The following will load Ingest pipelines and all the index management but not dashboards.

filebeat setup -e --pipelines --index-management

The setting
setup.dashboards.enabled: false

Is only used when index name is changed... see here

Hi @stephenb, will try the command on a different Kibana host to see if it works. The command doesn't seem to undo the dashboards already loaded.

I am assuming what you have said is the same for Filebeat version 7.17, which is the one I am using.

Thank you for your help!

By the way, if it is not too much hassle, could I point you to my problem with creating data streams with Filebeat 7.17 here? There might be some resource I might be missing that can help me understand setting up data streams.

Once again, thank you very much for your help!

No it will not do that.... Just Deleting them in the UI will take about 1 minute.

Noted, thank you for your help.