Filter bar of enhanced table not working from a dashboard

Hello everyone!

I am using kibana 7.6.2 locally and I have added enhanced table plugin. The features like computed columns are working fine, but when I add this visualization on a dashboard, the filter bar does not work properly.

please look the below screenshot

When I click at ciel search button, nothing changes. it remains as it is.
However when I am editing it from visualization tab, the filter bar is working perfect.

Thank you in advance for any advice!!

Hi @marrel -- It sounds like this feature is specific to the enhanced table plugin... The team at Elastic doesn't maintain that plugin, but our friend @fbaligand does. He may be able to provide you with more guidance as to whether this is an issue with the plugin, or with Kibana itself.

[Edit: You may also consider opening an issue in the enhanced table repo in case your question doesn't get answered here]


Thanks for the special mention @lukeelmers :wink:

I didn’t notice this issue on kibana 7.6.2.
What is your plugin version? Last one (1.9.1) ?
I see that you have a dark theme. Do you reproduce the issue with light theme?

Finally, as mentioned by @lukeelmers, you can open an issue on enhanced table GitHub repository.

Thank you very much @lukeelmers and @fbaligand for your replies!
The plugin version is 1.9.1 and this issue is also reproduced with the light theme.

I have also created an issue here.
Thank you for your support.

Thanks to have opened an issue.
Let’s continue discussion on the issue.

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