I need to access a kibana web filtering by date, but I need to put the filter in the URL.
I know how to filter Namespaces and Jobs with the URL using queries:
https:// kibana-host/s/desa/app/dashboards#/view/9908d490-c3f5-11ed-8c84-e52f5b4f9c1f?_a=(filters:!((query:(match_phrase:(kubernetes.labels.task-name:[job_name]))),(query:(match_phrase:(kubernetes.namespace:[namespace_name])))))
But in the query of Date there are some characters like @ : - + . that you must use in the query, but are not accepted in the URL.
"query": {
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"lt": "2017-10-24T09:06:24.075+02:00",
"gte": "2017-10-24T09:01:24.075+02:00"
How can I implement this filter inside the URL??
Thanks a lot