[Filter Context] terms query vs should query

I want to know the difference in query performance of a terms query vs a should query in filter context.

Approach 1

Result =
(myField in ['A1', 'A2'] AND condition-1)
(myField in ['B1', 'B2'] AND condition-2)

Approach 2

Result =
(myField ='A1' AND condition-1)
(myField ='A2' AND condition-1)
(myField ='B1' AND condition-2)
(myField ='B2' AND condition-2)

myField is a keyword
condition-N is a bool query

(myField ='A1' **AND** condition-1) represents

"bool" : { "filter" : [ {"term" : {"myField" : "A1"}},{condition-1 } ]}

(myField in ['A1', 'A2'] **AND** condition-1) represents

"bool" : { "filter" : [ {"terms" : {"myField" : ["A1", "A2"]}},{condition-1 } ]}

boolquery-A OR boolquery-B represents

"should" : [ {boolquery-A},{boolquery-B}]

and has "minimum_should_match" : "1"

I want to know if the query optimizer would plan both approaches in the same way. If not, which approach would be more efficient in terms of query performance.

I tested both approaches and did not find much difference in performance.

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