Terms performance vs many should clauses


Can someone please help me understand the performance difference between these 2 queries:
#1 Query with 'terms'

"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"term": {
"service_id": "12345"
"term": {
"name": "hello123"
"terms": {
"date": [1501056000000,1500192000000,1501228800000,1500969600000,1499414400000,1499241600000,1500883200000,1501142400000,1502092800000,1500364800000,1503561600000]

#2 Query with 'should'

"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"term": {
"service_id": "12345"
"term": {
"name": "hello123"
"term": {
"date": 1501315200000
"term": {
"date": 1499846400000
"term": {
"date": 1499328000000
"term": {
"date": 1500710400000
"term": {
"date": 1500796800000
"term": {
"date": 1498982400000
"term": {
"date": 1500883200000
"term": {
"date": 1500624000000
"term": {
"date": 1499155200000



We're running on Elasticsearch 5.4 with a relatively large index,
The 'terms' approach (#1) takes around 4 seconds while the 'should' approach (#2) returns in 40ms!
Obviously I'm randomizing the requested date fields each time so that the results are not cached.
I intuitively thought that #1 should be faster (its alot cleaner to write) ?

Can you share the profile (run the query with profile:true) in both cases?

Well, this is embarrassing ...
I'm rerunning the queries now and I can't replicate the behavior , they both perform very similar to each-other now :flushed:

Really not sure what happened, I'm sure I wasn't hallucinating before,
Thanks for the concern

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