Filter data coming from 2 logstash instances joining in kibana

I have the following case that I could not solve.

I have 2 Logstash that fetch data from a database, where each one transmits a field called "codigosap" that has the following form: J520 ​​or N776 for example. It is an identifier. In addition other types of fields are transmitted.
Then in kibana I have a dashboard which shows graphs of the two Logstash.
The problem I have is that at the moment of filtering, I click on a graph and I see all the data referring to the Jxxx identifier which is seen in the filters that is applied as "codigosap.keyword" with this all ok. However when I filter by sap Nxxx code I can't see all the data in all the graphics. I attach an example image.

If I click any JXXX, so in this example it is filtered by J512, and that is OK

but, in the same dashboard, when I want to filter by an N776 codigosap.keyword, I don't get results in the dashboard

I do not understand what I am missing since the data is in the same format from the source that is the database, char (4).

for example, in a visualization that, filter the data with:

"query": {
"prefix": {
"codigosap.keyword": "J"

this way I get only the codigosaps that start with J. When I want to get the ones that start with N, I just apply the inverse of the filter:


the problem occurs when I filter on the main dashboard
this is when it works for the J codigosap

when i apply for codigosap N, it doesn't work to show the data of the 2 logstash

but if I modify the filter for this case, and I modify it to: codigosap (no keyword, then it works)

"query": {
"match": {
"codigosap": {
"query": "N776",
"type": "phrase"

The filters being generated by Kibana are exact match queries, which you have shown. To get the prefix-only queries that you want, you have to do it manually.

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