Filter logs in ML Job


I'm trying to do a Job Machine Learning but I would need to the logs for a field that I created with a index script. The problem is that I can only access the fields defined in the index, but not those created. How could I access these fields to filter by them?

Hello Jesus,

I'm having a little trouble understanding what you mean by "field that I created with a index script". Are you referring to script fields?

Hi, thanks you for your reply.

I'm referring to script field that I calculate with script in index pattern. For example, with a date, I extract if the day is monday, tuesday, etc. And I will filter my logs and discard those that occurred on weekends

Ok, well, if you already have a working filter for a standard elasticsearch search, then the only thing that remains is getting an ML job to implement that search.

You have a few choices, you can either:

  1. Use the Advanced Job configuration wizard and use the Datafeed tab to put in your custom query. For example:


  1. Use the Advanced Job configuration wizard and use the JSON tab to put in your custom query:


  1. Use the datafeed API to set the custom query you want the ML job to use

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