Filter search by score


I am too is interested in filtering results with a score below X because they tend to be completely irrelevant to the original search.

Like @Harry_Knowles I believe end-users can be confused by the non relevant results. Maybe in a clothes shop it can still be acceptable but I think in anything else than e-commerce it won't.

Imagine a case where you store the periodic table (of elements). You look for "Titanium". It isn't a document in Elasticsearch yet but the search engine returns "Oxygen". As a user with some basic scientific knowledge you are like ... WTF, it isn't at all what I asked for ;-). This is a fictive example, don't try to reproduce, I made it up as a metaphor.

I don't understand why some documents are scored with 0.215 or 0.3 or anything sub 0.7 when there is no correlation at all (no mention of titanium in any other fields, nor word finishing in 'ium' or starting with 'tit' - no pun intended). I have not tested the above, it was just an illustration of what I can see in my use case.

Therefore, having a hard cut-off of "anything below this score ... is probably irrelevant ... then do NOT display it" would be simply awesome.

I know there is curation but we cannot edit all possible searches and curate them manually.

Bonus question: Is there a way to deeply understand the reason of the scoring? I really would like to understand why some unrelated documents are displayed for some of my searches to maybe tweak relevance negatively for some fields... while waiting for this threshold.

Unless there is a way to filter at the Elasticsearch level?

Looking forward for this feature or similar. Otherwise thanks for app-search. It's a cool tool and has potential.
