Hi all!
I am trying to do a scatter plot with Vega-Lite that shows the evolution of capacity of some batteries with time. The colors in the plot should correspond to the different batteries (serial number). Find below a simplified version of the code.
Since we have a large number of batteries, I would like to show only the 20 with most charges (times that they have been plugged into the charger). I only managed to filter those with less than 4 charges, but that means that some serial numbers are removed 'forever' and cannot be found even filtering in the upper bar context filter.
What transform operation could I do to count the number of charges of each battery, sort them, and keep the 20 highest?
Thanks a lot
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"data": {
"url": {
%context%: true
"index": "statistics-battery",
"body": {
"size": 10000,
"_source": ["boot_utc_date", "full_charge_capacity_mAh", "battery_serial_number", "cycle_count"]
"format": {"property": "hits.hits"}
"format": {"property": "hits.hits"}
"transform": [
// Filter to include only batteries with more than 3 logs
"window": [{"op": "count", "as": "count"}],
"groupby": ["_source.battery_serial_number"]
{"filter": {"field": "count", "gte": 4}},
"layer": [
"mark": {"type": "point", "filled": true, size: 60},
"title": "Full Charge Capacity (mAh) for each battery during time",
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "_source.boot_utc_date",
"type": "temporal",
"axis": {"title": "Date"}
"y": {
"field": "_source.full_charge_capacity_mAh",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"domain": [2500, 4800]},
"axis": {"title": "Full Charge Capacity (mAh)"},
"color": {
"field": "_source.battery_serial_number",
"type": "nominal",
"scale": {"scheme": "category20"},
"legend": {"title": "Battery Serial Number"}