Filter Visualizations on a Dashboard using the default time range (dashboard upper right corner) on filter conditions using fields other than index pattern primary time field

Thank you Joe, just to conclude this thread, I've implemented the two options, and all worked fine.

Main index: mock_sms

Defining 3 Index Patterns this way (without spaces after comma):

mock_sms*,fecha ─────────► fecha default Time field in index pattern
mock_sms*,fechaRespuesta ──► fechaRespuesta default Time field in index pattern
mock_sms,fechaRecepcion ───►fechaRecepcion default Time field in index pattern

then I've implemented 3 different visualizations, each one pointing to each of previous index patterns. Finally, I loaded the three visualizations in a new dashboard. Now, every time the default date in the dashboard is changed, also change the date scale in the three visualizations at the same time.

I've implemented three visualizations, each one with the three date fields above using Lens:
Visualization1 - X Axis: fecha
Visualization2 - X Axis: fechaRecepcion
Visualization3 - X Axis: fechaRespuesta

and loaded in a new dashboard. The dashboard behaves the same as in Option1.
The only drawback in Option2 is Lens does not allow too many customizations in visualizations. For example: Change format of labels in a visualization X axis chart
Perhaps Lens needs more time to get more customization features.

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