Filtering with multiple values in elasticsearch (AWS elasticsearch)


We want to search based on testUuid with multiple values and it could be possible that there are more than 500 values.

I found two ways through which I can find information :

  1. Bool with match_phrase
    "query": {
    "bool": {
    "should": [
    "match_phrase": {
    "testUuid": "fdf5fb36-e400-43be-ad6a-391d0caf9b74"
    "match_phrase": {
    "testUuid": "3af66e0a-1c70-46ee-bf23-3d962d80d89d"

  2. Query String or Simple Query String :

    GET index-name/_search
    "profile": "true",
    "query": {
    "simple_query_string": {
    "query": "'fdf5fb36-e400-43be-ad6a-391d0caf9b74' OR '3af66e0a-1c70-46ee-bf23-3d962d80d89d'",
    "fields": [

I checked with profile true, it seems bool with match pharse is fast. I also observed that elasticsearch analyzer is tokenizing the uuids and separating with ' - '.

We are using AWS elasticsearch, where we don't have _close endpoint and we can not update analyzer settings.

 "index": {
"analysis": {
  "filter": {
    "my_word_delimiter": {
      "type": "word_delimiter",
      "preserve_original": "true"
  "analyzer": {
    "my_analyzer": {
      "type": "custom",
      "tokenizer": "whitespace",
      "filter": [
}     }

I want to understand which is the best way to filter multiple values and is it possible to change the analyzer settings in the aws elasticsearch without closed index.

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