Finding a sequence of events

Hi, I've seen some info online about this but much of it was a few years old so I was wondering what the best solution would be to this problem of finding a sequence of events from discreet logs.

We have an index with alert codes that come from machines, and each alert code comes in as a new document. We want to create a report that identifies when a certain pattern of alerts comes in.

For example, if you have the following documents:

  "machine_id" : "A1",
  "alert_code": "1"
  "machine_id" : "B1",
  "alert_code": "3"
  "machine_id" : "B1",
  "alert_code": "1"
  "machine_id" : "A1",
  "alert_code": "5"
  "machine_id" : "A1",
  "alert_code": "1"
  "machine_id" : "A1",
  "alert_code": "2"
  "machine_id" : "A1",
  "alert_code": "3"

Then i want to be able to search for instances where the same machine issued alerts 1-2-3 in that order, but we don't care if it issues 1-3-2 or 1-4-6 for example. Or if there was a 1-2-3 but not all from the same machine for that matter).

Is there a timestamp in each doc?

Yes, each document also has a @timestamp and sequence_number associated with it.

Then you can aggregate by host, sorted by timestamp.

You could probably also write a watch script that finds that particular ordering, but I am not super sure if you can do that in another way.

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