Fleet Server installation options

For further reference, while others may also be waiting for documentation:

This is a working docker-compose for an almost proper setup with HTTPS.

    image: docker.elastic.co/beats/elastic-agent:7.13.0
    hostname: "fleet_hostname"
      - FLEET_SERVER_CERT=/usr/share/elastic-agent/cert.crt
      - FLEET_SERVER_CERT_KEY=/usr/share/elastic-agent/cert.key
      - FLEET_SERVER_ELASTICSEARCH_CA=/usr/share/elastic-agent/ca.pem
      - KIBANA_FLEET_CA=/usr/share/elastic-agent/ca.pem
      - FLEET_CA=/usr/share/elastic-agent/ca.pem
      - ELASTICSEARCH_CA=/usr/share/elastic-agent/ca.pem
      - KIBANA_CA=/usr/share/elastic-agent/ca.pem
      - FLEET_CA=/usr/share/elastic-agent/ca.pem
      - "8220:8220"
      test: "curl -f | grep HEALTHY 2>&1 >/dev/null"
      retries: 12
      interval: 5s
      - ./cert.crt:/usr/share/elastic-agent/cert.crt:ro
      - ./cert.key:/usr/share/elastic-agent/cert.key:ro
      - ./ca.pem:/usr/share/elastic-agent/ca.pem:ro

I had to set FLEET_INSECURE=1 because no matter what I tried, the fleet server would always fail with

fleet_server_1  | 2021-05-28T19:39:13.417Z      INFO    status/reporter.go:236  Elastic Agent status changed to: 'online'
fleet_server_1  | 2021-05-28T19:39:13.417Z      INFO    cmd/run.go:197  Shutting down completed.
fleet_server_1  | 2021-05-28T19:39:13.417Z      INFO    log/reporter.go:40      2021-05-28T19:39:13Z - message: Application: fleet-server--7.13.0[]: State changed to STOPPED: Stopped - type: 'STATE' - sub_type: 'STOPPED'
fleet_server_1  | 2021-05-28T19:39:13.418Z      INFO    [api]   api/server.go:66        Stats endpoint (/usr/share/elastic-agent/state/data/tmp/elastic-agent.sock) finished: accept unix /usr/share/elastic-agent/state/data/tmp/elastic-agent.sock: use of closed network connection
fleet_server_1  | Error: fail to enroll: fail to execute request to fleet-server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
fleet_server_1  | Error: enrollment failed: exit status 1

In my environment, all certificates are directly signed by a single CA, and I provided that CA to every CA-Option available to elastic-agent. The certificates for the fleet server are naturally also from that CA. It did manage to contact Elasticsearch, but then seems to fail in a step where it tries to connect to itself? At least that's what I get from "fail to execute request to fleet-server". I don't know, and I also couldn't find a quick way to enable debug logging for a dockerized elastic agent.

All possible env vars are (from ./elastic-agent container -h):

The following actions are possible and grouped based on the actions.

* Elastic Agent Fleet Enrollment
  This enrolls the Elastic Agent into a Fleet Server. It is also possible to have this create a new enrollment token
  for this specific Elastic Agent.

  FLEET_ENROLL - set to 1 for enrollment into fleet-server. If not set, Elastic Agent is run in standalone mode.
  FLEET_URL - URL of the Fleet Server to enroll into
  FLEET_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN - token to use for enrollment. This is not needed in case FLEET_SERVER_ENABLED and FLEET_ENROLL is set. Then the token is fetched from Kibana.
  FLEET_CA - path to certificate authority to use with communicate with Fleet Server [$KIBANA_CA]
  FLEET_INSECURE - communicate with Fleet with either insecure HTTP or unverified HTTPS

  The following vars are need in the scenario that Elastic Agent should automatically fetch its own token.

  KIBANA_FLEET_HOST - kibana host to enable create enrollment token on [$KIBANA_HOST]
  KIBANA_FLEET_USERNAME - kibana username to create enrollment token [$KIBANA_USERNAME]
  KIBANA_FLEET_PASSWORD - kibana password to create enrollment token [$KIBANA_PASSWORD]
  FLEET_TOKEN_NAME - token name to use for fetching token from Kibana. This requires Kibana configs to be set.
  FLEET_TOKEN_POLICY_NAME - token policy name to use for fetching token from Kibana. This requires Kibana configs to be set.

* Bootstrapping Fleet Server
  This bootstraps the Fleet Server to be run by this Elastic Agent. At least one Fleet Server is required in a Fleet
  deployment for other Elastic Agent to bootstrap. In case the Elastic Agent is run without fleet-server. These variables
  are not needed.

  If FLEET_SERVER_ENABLE and FLEET_ENROLL is set but no FLEET_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN, the token is automatically fetched from Kibana.

  FLEET_SERVER_ENABLE - set to 1 enables bootstrapping of Fleet Server inside Elastic Agent (forces FLEET_ENROLL enabled)
  FLEET_SERVER_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST - elasticsearch host for Fleet Server to communicate with [$ELASTICSEARCH_HOST]
  FLEET_SERVER_ELASTICSEARCH_CA - path to certificate authority to use with communicate with elasticsearch [$ELASTICSEARCH_CA]
  FLEET_SERVER_SERVICE_TOKEN - service token to use for communication with elasticsearch
  FLEET_SERVER_POLICY_ID - policy ID for Fleet Server to use for itself ("Default Fleet Server policy" used when undefined)
  FLEET_SERVER_HOST - binding host for Fleet Server HTTP (overrides the policy). By default this is
  FLEET_SERVER_PORT - binding port for Fleet Server HTTP (overrides the policy)
  FLEET_SERVER_CERT - path to certificate to use for HTTPS endpoint
  FLEET_SERVER_CERT_KEY - path to private key for certificate to use for HTTPS endpoint
  FLEET_SERVER_INSECURE_HTTP - expose Fleet Server over HTTP (not recommended; insecure)

* Preparing Kibana for Fleet
  This prepares the Fleet plugin that exists inside of Kibana. This must either be enabled here or done externally
  before Fleet Server will actually successfully start. All the Kibana variables are not needed in case Elastic Agent
  should not setup Fleet. To manually trigger KIBANA_FLEET_SETUP navigate to Kibana -> Fleet -> Agents and enabled it.

  KIBANA_FLEET_SETUP - set to 1 enables the setup of Fleet in Kibana by Elastic Agent. This was previously FLEET_SETUP.
  KIBANA_FLEET_HOST - Kibana host accessible from fleet-server. [$KIBANA_HOST]
  KIBANA_FLEET_USERNAME - kibana username to enable Fleet [$KIBANA_USERNAME]
  KIBANA_FLEET_PASSWORD - kibana password to enable Fleet [$KIBANA_PASSWORD]
  KIBANA_FLEET_CA - path to certificate authority to use with communicate with Kibana [$KIBANA_CA]
  KIBANA_REQUEST_RETRY_SLEEP - specifies sleep duration taken when agent performs a request to kibana [default 1s]
  KIBANA_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT - specifies number of retries agent performs when executing a request to kibana [default 30]

The following environment variables are provided as a convenience to prevent a large number of environment variable to
be used when the same credentials will be used across all the possible actions above.

  ELASTICSEARCH_HOST - elasticsearch host [http://elasticsearch:9200]
  ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME - elasticsearch username [elastic]
  ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD - elasticsearch password [changeme]
  ELASTICSEARCH_CA - path to certificate authority to use with communicate with elasticsearch
  KIBANA_HOST - kibana host [http://kibana:5601]
  KIBANA_CA - path to certificate authority to use with communicate with Kibana