Fleet Server shutdown after enroll

Hi Team:
I want to set up fleet server but failed after executed enroll command.
My es version is v 7.16.3 . Let me know any more infomation you needed.
Here is my fleet enroll command.
elastic-agent enroll --url= --fleet-server-es= --fleet-server-service-token=AAEAAWVsYXN0aWMvZmxlZXQtc2VydmVyL3Rva2VuLTE2OTQ0ODQ0NzI4MTA6SHZiWmoxdV9UYWVKSjU3bzVCUE1QZw --fleet-server-insecure-http

Here is the log
This will replace your current settings. Do you want to continue? [Y/n]:Y
2023-09-12T10:13:16.430+0800 INFO cmd/enroll_cmd.go:571 Spawning Elastic Agent daemon as a subprocess to complete bootstrap process.
2023-09-12T10:13:16.617+0800 INFO application/application.go:67 Detecting execution mode
2023-09-12T10:13:16.619+0800 INFO application/application.go:88 Agent is in Fleet Server bootstrap mode
2023-09-12T10:13:17.017+0800 INFO [api] api/server.go:62 Starting stats endpoint
2023-09-12T10:13:17.017+0800 INFO application/fleet_server_bootstrap.go:130 Agent is starting
2023-09-12T10:13:17.017+0800 INFO [api] api/server.go:64 Metrics endpoint listening on: /var/lib/elastic-agent/data/tmp/elastic-agent.sock (configured: unix:///var/lib/elastic-agent/data/tmp/elastic-agent.sock)
2023-09-12T10:13:17.018+0800 INFO application/fleet_server_bootstrap.go:140 Agent is stopped
2023-09-12T10:13:17.028+0800 INFO stateresolver/stateresolver.go:48 New State ID is IDNHuxqC
2023-09-12T10:13:17.028+0800 INFO stateresolver/stateresolver.go:49 Converging state requires execution of 1 step(s)
2023-09-12T10:13:17.086+0800 INFO operation/operator.go:284 operation 'operation-install' skipped for fleet-server.7.16.3
2023-09-12T10:13:17.281+0800 INFO log/reporter.go:40 2023-09-12T10:13:17+08:00 - message: Application: fleet-server--7.16.3: State changed to STARTING: Starting - type: 'STATE' - sub_type: 'STARTING'
2023-09-12T10:13:17.283+0800 INFO stateresolver/stateresolver.go:66 Updating internal state
2023-09-12T10:13:17.439+0800 INFO cmd/enroll_cmd.go:776 Fleet Server - Starting
2023-09-12T10:13:18.840+0800 WARN status/reporter.go:236 Elastic Agent status changed to: 'degraded'
2023-09-12T10:13:18.840+0800 INFO log/reporter.go:40 2023-09-12T10:13:18+08:00 - message: Application: fleet-server--7.16.3: State changed to DEGRADED: Running on default policy with Fleet Server integration; missing config fleet.agent.id (expected during bootstrap process) - type: 'STATE' - sub_type: 'RUNNING'
2023-09-12T10:13:19.442+0800 INFO cmd/enroll_cmd.go:757 Fleet Server - Running on default policy with Fleet Server integration; missing config fleet.agent.id (expected during bootstrap process)
2023-09-12T10:13:19.442+0800 WARN [tls] tlscommon/tls_config.go:98 SSL/TLS verifications disabled.
2023-09-12T10:13:19.580+0800 INFO cmd/enroll_cmd.go:454 Starting enrollment to URL: http://localhost:8220
2023-09-12T10:13:20.389+0800 INFO cmd/enroll_cmd.go:258 Elastic Agent has been enrolled; start Elastic Agent
Successfully enrolled the Elastic Agent.
2023-09-12T10:13:20.389+0800 INFO cmd/run.go:184 Shutting down Elastic Agent and sending last events...
2023-09-12T10:13:20.389+0800 INFO operation/operator.go:216 waiting for installer of pipeline 'default' to finish
2023-09-12T10:13:20.389+0800 INFO process/app.go:176 Signaling application to stop because of shutdown: fleet-server--7.16.3
2023-09-12T10:13:21.892+0800 INFO status/reporter.go:236 Elastic Agent status changed to: 'online'
2023-09-12T10:13:21.892+0800 INFO cmd/run.go:192 Shutting down completed.
2023-09-12T10:13:21.892+0800 INFO [api] api/server.go:66 Stats endpoint (/var/lib/elastic-agent/data/tmp/elastic-agent.sock) finished: accept unix /var/lib/elastic-agent/data/tmp/elastic-agent.sock: use of closed network connection
2023-09-12T10:13:21.892+0800 INFO log/reporter.go:40 2023-09-12T10:13:21+08:00 - message: Application: fleet-server--7.16.3: State changed to STOPPED: Stopped - type: 'STATE' - sub_type: 'STOPPED'

It just stopped after enroll. Don't know what should I do for the next step, can anybody suggest?

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