Fortigate Integrations

First please do not post images of text... please paste the text and formate with with 2 backticks ``` before and after ...images can not be searched debugged etc.. some people can not see them.


and this show you are ingesting data....

When I ask for this please provide some of the sample results... not just "Some interesting stuff" otherwise I can not help...

Please post a few of those results...

You probably have a timezone issue... please see this post...

Set the time picker in Discover to 24 hours ago to 24 hours to now... and see if you have results... I am sure you do.


The other logs error logs...

What are you doing with logstash?... this is why do not paste image of text... I can not help much... This is probably not the issue with the fortigate logs... but whatever you are doing with logstasth it is trying to connect to Elasticsearch at the default address... http://localhost:9200 which above is probably not correct...

I would think you are trying to do

Fortigate -> UDP Elastic Agent -> Elasticsearch

Or are you trying

Fortigate -> UDP Elastic Agent -> Logstash -> Elasticsearch

If so why?