Thanks for adding the code in ManageRiverAction. :}
Actually, I have a local river running with name of wikidocs which contain
some files and pdf. it is running at interval of 2 min. When i call the
curl ''?pretty
"_index" : "_river",
"_type" : "wikidocs",
"_id" : "_stop",
"exists" : false
the log show the river is still indexing the content in folder and i tired
to update the document and got the updated result after 2 min. Does* _stop*means that the river will stop the indexing the particular index or
something else?
just to log the result, i run the following curl command to verify my
curl ''?pretty
"_index" : "_river",
"_type" : "wikidocs",
"_id" : "_status",
"_version" : 1,
"exists" : true, "_source" :
Ajitpal Singh
On Tuesday, 23 April 2013 23:17:38 UTC+1, David Pilato wrote:
It's now added in FSRiver and will be part of 0.2.0 release:
Suspend or restart FSRiver · Issue #21 · dadoonet/fscrawler · GitHub
David Pilato | Technical Advocate | Elasticsearch.com
@dadoonet https://twitter.com/dadoonet | @elasticsearchfrhttps://twitter.com/elasticsearchfr
| @scrutmydocs https://twitter.com/scrutmydocs
Le 22 avr. 2013 à 12:30, David Pilato <da...@pilato.fr <javascript:>> a
écrit :
You can close the _river index.
Note that it will suspend all rivers.
That said, if you need to have an action to suspend FSRiver, you can open
an issue in FSRiver project and I will try to add it.
David Pilato | Technical Advocate | *Elasticsearch.comhttp://elasticsearch.com/
@dadoonet https://twitter.com/dadoonet | @elasticsearchfrhttps://twitter.com/elasticsearchfr
| @scrutmydocs https://twitter.com/scrutmydocs
Le 22 avr. 2013 à 11:13, Ajitpal Singh <ajit....@gmail.com <javascript:>>
a écrit :
Hi All,
I'm working with fs-river to index the local file system. The fs-river run
on the thread at particular interval for eg. 180000 [every 3 min]. Can we
pause/stop the index, but still able to run search query? Using curl
curl -XPOST "localhost:9200/my_index/_close/"
will close the index, but the search capability also stops, Until we open
the index again using _open switch.
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