Fuzzy query is returning all documents

No matter what keyword I pass in, I get all of my documents in the response. Even those not matching my search criteria.

Here is the PHP code:

$params = [
'index' => 'ats_search_engine',
		'body' => [
		'query' => [
			'fuzzy' => [
				'_all' => $keyword
		$response = $client->search ( $params );

Not sure why this is happening?

Seems the PHP array way of constructing the request is not working for me.
I decided to try this, which worked:

	$json = '{
    "query" : {
        "match" : {
            "title" : "members"
$params['index'] = 'ats_search_engine';
$params['type'] = 'thoracic';
$params['body'] = $json;

So, just to repeat, the array way of doing things is not working for me.

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