Gather Heartbeat Monitor Data from S3 Bucket

Are you able to configure the heatbeat.config.monitors: path variable to be set to a S3 bucket? As of now, I would like to automatically generate the monitor .yaml files, store them in a S3 bucket, and then through another container access these monitors and run a heartbeat instance on this potentially dynamically changing series of monitors.

Anybody have tips for moving forward?

Hi @szhao,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the community!

Are you able to configure the heatbeat.config.monitors: path variable to be set to a S3 bucket?

In theory, the only available options are described here (and that doesn't include S3 bucket):

Despite so, I will contact colleagues with more expertise on this than me and see if there are any approaches that might be followed and we'll let you know


heartbeat.config.monitors.path needs to be a path on the filesystem where heartbeat is running.

What you want may work if you mount the s3 bucket as a filesystem in the container using s3fs for example.

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