Geeting "Status : RED " error

My Elastic search server contains 88GB of indices in lib file, and my server runs out of memory. Any possibility to delete some older files here?

Any help ?


curl -XDELETE host:9200/indexname

Kibana has been installed with Docker and docker image getting increases it's capacity up to 96GB of my hard drive.

Under docker, I can see following files with the capacity.

5.8G aufs
220M containers
5.4M image
60K network
20K plugins
4.0K swarm
4.0K tmp
4.0K trust
90G volumes

You said Elasticsearch and now you mention Kibana. I'm kind of confused.
Anyway, can you run:

curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v

Hi David,
Sorry for the confusion, I ran the command that you asked, and please find some of results given below.

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open %{[@metadata][beat]}-2017.08.05 z3DA1oRISZWqev8bfDzMQA 5 1 1984 0 1.4mb 1.4mb
yellow open filebeat-2018.01.15 zMBrlqTrTxqJJoLY3rSv7w 5 1 1419561 0 435.1mb 435.1mb
yellow open filebeat-2017.06.26 _E40ZJhOQveBkHpRz9ey7w 5 1 9 0 77.5kb 77.5kb
yellow open %{[@metadata][beat]}-2017.08.29 Bj8pNf2fSvOivaJHW6226A 5 1 3773 0 2.5mb 2.5mb
yellow open filebeat-2017.10.20 948D35IpRpC6bSdEPaSNFw 5 1 1005189 0 352.1mb 352.1mb
yellow open %{[@metadata][beat]}-2018.02.20 GJs_bb2aTkyt2Dr9uSiH6w 5 1 4343 0 3.2mb 3.2mb
yellow open %{[@metadata][beat]}-2017.08.25 313yZjcMQj-DTsp8XXQ97Q 5 1 3749 0 2.6mb 2.6mb
yellow open filebeat-2017.07.23 EuTUspOqRiKwEOq2gUUkMw 5 1 342733 0 109.8mb 109.8mb
yellow open %{[@metadata][beat]}-2018.02.19 xE-QEWIrQ9-WJdN_SLBRZw 5 1 4764 0 3.5mb 3.5mb
yellow open %{[@metadata][beat]}-2017.09.11 6DHHZ8ENSxKfiRqgZp7YNQ 5 1 2757 0 2.1mb 2.1mb
yellow open filebeat-2017.08.04 w_fwESQvQYqccBQHwWkiLQ 5 1 441758 0 120.6mb 120.6mb

It looks like you have a lot of small indices and shards in your cluster, as well as some that indicate a problem with your ingest configuration, e.g. %{[@metadata][beat]}-2018.02.19. I would recommend that you read this blog post.

To get a better understanding of the state of the cluster, what is the full output of the cluster stats API?

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