Geoip process multiple fileds on ingest node


I would like to use geoip processor on the ingest node to process multiple fields, fr e.g.:


and any other IP related field which I may come across.

How can I create a pipeline which would utilize geoip ingest plugin to process multiple fields?

In order to accomplish this, you can simply have 3 consecutive geoip filters. Here's what we're doing with our normalized firewall and bro events:

if "fw" in [tags] or "bro" in [tags] {
    geoip {
        cache_size => 2000
        source => "DvcIp"
        target => "[GeoIPs][DvcIp]"
        fields => ["city_name", "country_code2", "country_code3", "country_name", "location", "postal_code", "region_code"]
        geoip {
        cache_size => 2000
        source => "SrcIp"
        target => "[GeoIPs][SrcIp]"
        fields => ["city_name", "country_code2", "country_code3", "country_name", "location", "postal_code", "region_code"]
    geoip {
        cache_size => 2000
        source => "DstIp"
        target => "[GeoIPs][DstIp]"
        fields => ["city_name", "country_code2", "country_code3", "country_name", "location", "postal_code", "region_code"]

Mike, Thank you for repsponse - looks like you are doing this on Logstash. I would like to do it on Ingest node but can get two geoip keys there - like this
PUT _ingest/pipeline/geoip-info
"description": "Add geoip info",
"processors": [

  "geoip": {
    "field": "ip",
    "target_field": "client.geo",
    "ignore_failure": true
  "geoip": {
    "field": "source.ip",
    "target_field": "sourceip.geo",
    "ignore_failure": true


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