Get data in daterange plus first date before and after this daterange

I am quite new to elasticsearch and I am impressed by all the functionality it offers. Now I have a special case, where I am not sure if elasticsearch will be able to handle it.

Overall I am searching for a type within a daterange. But in addition I need the first date before and after this daterange as well. I do not know how far these dates are away, so I can not just add a specific amount of days to the daterange.

I know this would be possible with 3 different queries, but would it be possible in just one query as well?

Here is a small example what I would like to achieve

[uuid1] = [
['id' => 1, 'date' => '1970/01/01 12:00:00', 'val' => 'ages ago'],
['id' => 2, 'date' => '2010/01/01 12:00:00', 'val' => 'randomValueSomewhereInThePast'],
['id' => 3, 'date' => '2017/01/03 12:00:00', 'val' => 'valueInTimeRange3'],
['id' => 4, 'date' => '2017/01/04 12:00:00', 'val' => 'valueInTimeRange4'],
['id' => 5, 'date' => '2017/01/05 12:00:00', 'val' => 'valueInTimeRange5'],
['id' => 6, 'date' => '2017/01/06 12:00:00', 'val' => 'valueInTimeRange6'],
['id' => 7, 'date' => '2020/01/05 12:00:00', 'val' => 'randomValueSomewhereInTheFuture']
['id' => 8, 'date' => '9999/01/05 12:00:00', 'val' => 'wayTooFarAway']

As you can see I got several dates. Now I have a given DateRange from

So a simple request with range would return me values 3,4,5,6. But I need values 2 & 7 aswell. These are the dates right before and right after my range. I do not know when they are so I can not just adjust the rang.

Is this possible in elasticsearch with just one query?

Thank you!


you should go with three queries here. Just use the multi search API


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