Get rid of suffix "per [interval]" in kibana lens visualisations when using Date histograms

Is it possible to get rid of the suffix "per [inteval]" in kibana lens visualisations when using Date histograms?

For example, in Bar charts, when i use a Date histogram as an axis, choose "Month" as the interval and name it "Month", the axis title is "Month per month". I can overwrite the axis title in the Layer configuration, but when downloading the data as csv the column title is still "Month per month".

If i use a Data table, the overwriting option isn't available at all, so it reads "Month per month" or "Date per month" or whatever name i choose to represent my histogram with the suffix "per [interval]".

How can i avoid this behavior?

Hi @Knut_Knackwurst

we've an existing issue you can track about that: [Lens] Custom interval appends "per <unit>" post fix to datatable header title · Issue #98054 · elastic/kibana · GitHub