Getting Error in ingest pipeline

We are using filebeat and ingest pipeline to load the csv data file.
if the last value is null in any line, getting error while mapping the field headers in ingest pipeline for those lines.
Sample ingest pipeline:

PUT _ingest/pipeline/CallActionMTR1
"processors" : [
"split" : {
"field" : "message",
"target_field" : "test",
"separator" : ","
"script" : {
"lang" : "painless",
"source" : "ctx.CallActionName = ctx.test[0];ctx.CallState = ctx.test[1];ctx.NextCallState = ctx.test[2];ctx.CallNodeID = ctx.test[3];ctx.CallID = ctx.test[4];ctx.MediaType = ctx.test[5];ctx.DataMediaType = ctx.test[6];ctx.CallActionType = ctx.test[7];ctx.TransactionEndType = ctx.test[8];ctx.TransactionEndSubType =ctx.test[9];ctx.AgentDispositionCodeName =ctx.test[10]"
"remove" : {
"field" : [

in 7.6 csv parser is available in elastic. and the problem is solved


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