Getting Error on creating embedding via code

function to create vector embeddings : -

async getVectorEmbedding(text) {
    try {
      const response = await this.client.ingest.simulate({
        body: {
          pipeline: {
            id: process.env.INGEST_PIPELINE,
          docs: [
              _source: {
                combined_text: text,

      if ([0].error) {
        console.error('Error in processing document:',[0].error)
        return []

    } catch (err) {
      console.error('Failed to get vector embedding', err.meta.body)
      return []

ingest pipeline :-

  "nlp-ingest-pipeline": {
    "description": "A text embedding pipeline",
    "processors": [
        "text_embedding": {
          "model_id": "model_id",
          "field_map": {
            "combined_text": "vector_embedding"

Getting this error :-

  error: {
    root_cause: [ [Object] ],
    type: 'parse_exception',
    reason: '[processors] required property is missing',
    property_name: 'processors'
  status: 400

Hi @Shubham_Pandey1,

Welcome! Can you confirm that you are using the Elasticsearch JavaScript client? If so, which version are you using?

I assume you are trying to trigger a pipeline you have defined in your Elasticsearch cluster? Can you try having the request options as a single level object, and id as a top level attribute as per the documentation:

try {
      const response = await this.client.ingest.simulate({
          id: '<my_pipeline_id>',
          docs: [
              _source: {
                combined_text: text,

Let us know if that solves your problem.