No matter what I try, I don't get any errors during indexing, but when I search, the ml_title and ml_description fields are not in the results. When I look at the mappings, they are there with the correct configurations.
I followed the primary documentation, and I also used Using ELSER for multiple fields - #2 by as a reference.
I confirmed the elser_model_1 has been installed, started and running.
I confirmed the pipeline exists
I confirmed when I index the doc, I pass the _pipeline
Is there a log file, or anything that I could look for to see if there was an error ?
Here is a PHP sample of my index.
$params = [
'index' => 'job_postings',
'body' => [
'mappings' => [
'_source' => [
'enabled' => true
'properties' => [
'publish_id' => [
'enabled' => false
'title' => [
'type' => 'text',
'index' => true
'ml_title.tokens' => [
'type' => 'rank_features'
'description' => [
'type' => 'text',
'index' => true
'ml_description.tokens' => [
'type' => 'rank_features'
try {
$response = $client->indices()->create($params);
} catch(Exception $e) {
$response = $e->getMessage();
Here is the pipeline I created
PUT _ingest/pipeline/job_postings-elser
"on_failure": [
"set": {
"description": "Record error information",
"field": "error_information",
"value": "Processor {{ _ingest.on_failure_processor_type }} with tag {{ _ingest.on_failure_processor_tag }} in pipeline {{ _ingest.on_failure_pipeline }} failed with message {{ _ingest.on_failure_message }}"
"processors": [
"inference": {
"model_id": ".elser_model_1",
"target_field": "ml_title",
"field_map" : {
"title": "text_field"
"inference_config": {
"text_expansion": {
"results_field": "tokens"
"inference": {
"model_id": ".elser_model_1",
"target_field": "ml_description",
"field_map": {
"description": "text_field"
"inference_config": {
"text_expansion": {
"results_field": "tokens"
Then when I index the doc, here is the sample code.
$jData = [
'publish_id' => '1234567890',
'title' => 'Web Developer',
'description' => 'You role in the company .....'
$params['body'][] = [
'index' => [
'_index' => 'job_postings',
'_id' => '1234567890'
'_pipeline' => 'job_postings-elser'
$params['body'][] = $jData;
try {
$response = $client->bulk($params);
} catch(Exception $e) {
$response = $e->getMessage();
After this completes with no errors, I go to Kibana and run
GET job_postings/_search
The docs are there in the results, but ml_title and ml_description fields are no wheres in the search results.
Or does it just take a long, long time to process? If that is the case, how do I know a document is being processed and when it will be complete?