Getting lots of Errors on dashboard visuals "EsError"

I keep getting these errors on my dashboard and they appear relatively often.

When I hover over it, it only says [esaggs] > EsError . When I look at network/console in inspector, I get {"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"resource_not_found_exception","attributes":{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"resource_not_found_exception","reason":"FlJyRmkwMG9RU3dHRnQzUWtFMUtuRHcgYkQwdUI2eGtUanFOZzQ4SG9EcGxMUToyMzUyMTQwNjE="}],"type":"resource_not_found_exception","reason":"FlJyRmkwMG9RU3dHRnQzUWtFMUtuRHcgYkQwdUI2eGtUanFOZzQ4SG9EcGxMUToyMzUyMTQwNjE="}}}

{statusCode: 404, error: "Not Found", message: "resource_not_found_exception", attributes: {,…}}
attributes: {,…}
error: "Not Found"
message: "resource_not_found_exception"
statusCode: 404

and in Console

core.entry.js:6 DELETE https://26808e9……FVUUJQY29XUlgyWWRvdmwxckpsWWcgRFFQNDlMWkJRTEc2VTMxWHNnZ1pVdzozMjI2MTE2NTA= 404
core.entry.js:13 Detected an unhandled Promise rejection.
core.entry.js:6 Uncaught (in promise) Error
    at _callee3$ (core.entry.js:6)
    at l (kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321)
    at Generator._invoke (kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321)
    at Generator.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321)
    at fetch_asyncGeneratorStep (core.entry.js:6)
    at _next (core.entry.js:6)
core.entry.js:6 DELETE https://26808e9……JyRmkwMG9RU3dHRnQzUWtFMUtuRHcgYkQwdUI2eGtUanFOZzQ4SG9EcGxMUToyMzUyMTQwNjE= 404
core.entry.js:6 DELETE https://26808e9……pGWjY3UsFRJU1FLSHRPc0tnX1g4gYkQwdUI2eGtUanFOZzQ4SG9EcGxMUToyMzUyMTQwOTI= 404
core.entry.js:6 DELETE https://26808e9……ktdkZQX3dViU2lLRFZ2eHNFQkEgYkQwdUI2eGtUanFOZzQ4SG9EcGxMUToyMzUyMzQ4OTQ= 404
core.entry.js:13 Detected an unhandled Promise rejection.
core.entry.js:6 Uncaught (in promise) Error
    at _callee3$ (core.entry.js:6)
    at l (kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321)
    at Generator._invoke (kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321)
    at Generator.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321)
    at fetch_asyncGeneratorStep (core.entry.js:6)
    at _next (core.entry.js:6)
HttpFetchError  @   core.entry.js:6
_callee3$   @   core.entry.js:6
l   @   kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321
(anonymous) @   kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321
forEach.e.<computed>    @   kbn-ui-shared-deps.js:321
fetch_asyncGeneratorStep    @   core.entry.js:6
_next   @   core.entry.js:6

When I refresh a couple of times, it eventually goes away, but this usually occurs when I first access the dashboard.

We are also seeing the same error intermittently on dashboards after upgrading to 7.13 on the cloud service. We're also seeing issues with map layers.

Forgot to mention that I'm using version 7.10 and these errors occur most often on the metric visuals within the tsvb viz. (Relatively simple calculations it's doing)


If you experienced this problem on 7.13.0, please apply the latest. Should be fixed with 7.13.1

Not sure about the 7.10 issue though. Could help to see which resource is erroring in the network tab.

@ghudgins Not sure what you mean. What I posted from above with {statusCode: 404 is directly from the network tab

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