Got a bad response code from server, but this code is not considered retryable

hello,i have a question when i use the logstash. everythind looks ok, but my data of my kibana is slower and slower.There is an hour gap now,eg:now time is 8:20,but the data of kibana only show up to 7:32.Simultaneously,there is a error in my logstash's logs.It's show below:
[ERROR][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Got a bad response code from server, but this code is not considered retryable. Request will be dropped {:code=>504, :response_body=>""}

please help me,thank you very much!!!

my logstash.conf as below:

input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "xx.xx.xx.xx:9092,xx.xx.xx.xx:9092,xx.xx.xx.xx:9092"
group_id => 'logstash_server'
topics => ['nginx_slb_log']
consumer_threads => 10
decorate_events => true
codec => json {
charset => "UTF-8"
filter {
if [type] == 'nginx_slb_log' {
ruby {
init => "@kname = ['time_local', 'request_id', 'request_time', 'remote_addr_port', 'status', 'request_method', 'request_url','server_protocol','request_length','bytes_sent','upstream_addr_all','sent_http_content_type','http_referer','http_user_agent','upstream_response_time','upstream_status','ssl_cipher','ssl_protocol','ssl_session_id','ssl_session_reused','ssl_server_name','ssl_client_verify','tcpinfo_rtt','tcpinfo_rttvar','tcpinfo_snd_cwnd','tcpinfo_rcv_space','request_completion']"
code => "
new_event =['message').split('|'))])
temp_value = event.get('time_local').strip
event.set('time_local', temp_value[1..(temp_value.length-2)])
event.set('upstream_status', event.get('upstream_status').to_i)
if [remote_addr_port] {
ruby {
init => "@kname = ['remote_addr', 'remote_port']"
code => "
new_event =['remote_addr_port').split(':'))])
remove_field => ["remote_addr_port"]
if [request_url] {
ruby {
code => "
event.set('scheme', event.get('request_url').split(':')[0])
event.set('http_host', event.get('request_url').split('://')[-1].split('/')[0])
event.set('request_uri', event.get('request_url').split('//')[-1].split('.com')[-1])
remove_field => ["request_url"]
if [upstream_addr_all] {
ruby {
init => "@kname = ['upstream_addr', 'upstream_port']"
code => "
event.set('upstream_addr_all', event.get('upstream_addr_all').split('/')[-1])
new_event =['upstream_addr_all').split(':'))])
mutate {
convert => [
"request_time", "float",
"upstream_response_time", "float",
"bytes_sent", "integer",
"request_length", "integer",
"status", "integer"
remove_field => ["beat", "offset", "@version", "message", "kafka", "request_url", "upstream_addr_all"]
date {
match => ["time_local", "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"]
output {
if [type] == 'nginx_slb_log' {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ""
ssl => true
index => "logstash-nginx-slb-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}"
template_overwrite => true

Which version of the elasticsearch output plugin do you have?

i use the logstash5.5.2, the plugin should be 5.5.2,the es is 5.5.2 too

The plugins are versioned independently from Logstash so your elasticsearch output plugin version is not 5.5.2. Use the logstash-plugin command to list installed plugins and their versions. If you haven't upgraded the plugin yourself you can use the Logstash documentation to get the correct documentation:

As that page states, 504 errors won't be retried, but if you look at the documentation for the current version of Logstash ( you can see it states otherwise. So, upgrade Logstash or just your elasticsearch output plugin.

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