i am a newbie to grok pattern, trying to parse the below mentioned cisco firewall syslog.
With the try struggling with what type to use to extract the interested fields, some of them works if i paste it individually, but combined it gives compile error in grox debugger.
need some help , thanks!
May 05 2022 20:25:51 %FTD-1-400006: EventPriority: Low, DeviceUUID: cd5405c4-cea2-13eb-94ea-bdzc1md93886, InstanceID: 2, FirstPacketSecond: 2022-05-05T20:25:51Z, ConnectionID: 50568, AccessControlRuleAction: Allow, SrcIP:, DstIP:, SrcPort: 54022, DstPort: 443, Protocol: tcp, IngressInterface: CAG, EgressInterface: LAN, IngressZone: CAG, EgressZone: LAN, IngressVRF: Global, EgressVRF: Global, ACPolicy: Access Control Policy, AccessControlRuleName: 00000000-0000-0168-0700-c0eae4ec0b4a, Prefilter Policy: Default Prefilter Policy, Client: SSL client, ApplicationProtocol: HTTPS, WebApplication: Invalid ID, ConnectionDuration: 0, InitiatorPackets: 8, ResponderPackets: 8, InitiatorBytes: 443, ResponderBytes: 5584, NAPPolicy: Balanced Security and Connectivity, URLReputation: Unknown, URL: https://wawa.us.net
%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp}, AccessControlRuleAction: %{WORD:ac_action}, AccessControlRuleName: %{DATA:ac_rule_name}, SrcIP: %{IP:src_addr}, DstIP: %{IP:dst_addr}, IngressZone: %{HOSTNAME:ingress_zone}, EgressZone: %{HOSTNAME:egress_zone}, ApplicationProtocol: %{WORD:proto}, URL: %{URIPATH:url}