Grok Lines for Windows Event Logs

Good Evening,

I'm getting syslog data (port 514) sent to Elastic, but it's not parsed.

Does anyone have some Grok statements that manually parse the data I could use?

Everything is stuck in the message field and not really searchable.


Classic syslog (for the most part RFC 3164) is used to send and receive unstrucuctured log messages. The syslog filter will parse the minimal structure that it supports (priority, timestamp, facility, source host (maybe)). Everything else is up to you. We cannot help you parse the "unstructured" message field because you have not told us anything about what structure you expect grok to pick out.

RFC 5424 support structured name/value data in the message field. If you are receiving such messages you might be able to use a kv filter to parse them.

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