Grok pattern for date

I have a log file that I want to parse to elasticsearch using logstash.
In the log I have a date like that:
I trying to find how to grok this timestamp with kibana Grok Debugger
Trying the following pattern but with no success:
Any suggestion?


The closest pattern I could find that is known by Logstash is this


The + between the date and time doesn't seem to be in any so you will have to make your own.

This pattern should work


Just to be sure, for combinning all the feilds that I get from this pattern I have to use the mutate in the logstash file?
like this:

mutate {
add_field => {
"timestamps" => "%{YEAR}-%{MONTHNUM}-%{MONTHDAY} %{HOUR}:?%{MINUTE}(?::?%{SECOND}) %{ISO8601_TIMEZONE}"

That was a grok pattern. You can put it in a pattern file or specify it inside the grok filter like

grok {
  match => { "filed_name" => "YOUR FULL LINE GROK PATTERN GOES HERE. YOU CAN USE %{MY_TIME:timestamp} FOR THE DATE PART"
  pattern_definitions => {

Not entirely sure what the best way to turn the time into @timestamp would be...

Thanks a lot

This shows the pattern you need to parse it.

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