Groovy script to append integer value for partial update

Hi All,

I am using groovy script to do partial updates in ElasticSearch.

I have an integer field. I want to append value to that field on each
update request.

For example: "id" field has value 114561604. On each update request i want
to append other id to that field as integer array like [114561604,114561605].

I am using below script:

"script" : " ",
"params" : {
"new_tag" : 114561605

For string field this script is working fine but for integer it is not
working as expected.

Getting below error:

failed to parse [id]]; nested: NumberFormatException
[For input string: "114561604114561605"

Please let me know how each further value can be appended as integer using
groovy script.

It would be great help if anyone can suggest for same.