GSoC New Project Idea! want feedback

I am a GSoC aspirant and I would like to work on a new project idea, which is an android app which automates building of APK on android phone without any internet connection. I have been researching on creation of APK and gradle working for a long time. I have implemented many prototypes of working of android build tools on android(will mention in my GSoC proposal). Basically there are four main stages of apk creation which are- resource merging, compiling, dex generation and apk building and signing. I am going to implement all these functionalities in my android app. I wish to spend my summer creating an android app to design and create apps, which includes a drag and drop design view for applying Text Views, Layouts, Checkboxes etc. I firmly believe that I am the right candidate to work on this technology, working for Elastic Community within the respected GSoC time period. I would like to know your views about my project. Also I would like to know about the chances of my proposal for getting accepted. Are there possible mentors that can be available?

Thanks and regards.

Thanks for the idea, but I don't think this is an area we want to explore. We have zero native apps at the moment and no plans to change this in the short term.

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