GSOC 2021

Hi, I am new to this community and wanted to ask if Elastic is participating this year in the GSOC? I really like Elasticsearch and their code base and would contribute regardless, just wanted an update.

Thank you!

Hey! Thanks for your interest — we always love contributions :slight_smile:

The decision if we will participate in GSoC 2021 and with which projects will only happen in a couple of month. We'll probably know more at the end of January; I can't promise anything right now.

I am also a beginner in open source and wanted to know that elastic is going to participate in GSOC 2021 or not?

We have not decided yet. I'm not sure how the new, shorter format will work for us. And even if we decide to apply, we'll still have to wait for the acceptance from Google. So I'm afraid the final answer will take some more time.

Though any activity on is probably a good indicator that we're getting serious about it.

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Hey, any update on the GSoC situation, coz I would love to participate in GSoC 2021 with elastic!


Sorry this is taking longer and we are aware that the application period for organizations is now open until the 19th of February.

We definitely won't participate with Elasticsearch and Kibana this year and EUI is skipping this year as well. There are still two other projects where we are considering it.

If we participate, we want provide a good experience for everyone — both during the application period (having enough issues to work on, providing good support) and for the actual projects (having something interesting and useful that fits into the new scope of 175h).

Small update: EUI is reconsidering right now. I hope we have a final answer by the end of this week. Which still doesn't mean our application will then be accepted if we participate again.

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Hello, I am a MERN Stack Developer really excited to contribute. Can I please know about the relevant upcoming projects for GSOC 2021.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks :slight_smile:


It took some back and forth but we are applying again for GSoC. We're about to finish up the GitHub repository in the next day or two that will have all the relevant info. Though this will depend whether Google will accept our application this year or not — that's not in our hands I'm afraid. So we'll see :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!