Haproxy not working properly

This is my config file (/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg)
http://haproxy_ip:80 is not opening the kibana dashboard

listen stats :9090
mode http
stats enable
stats auth admin:admin

listen logstash-server-TCP-5043 Loadbalancer:5043
mode tcp
stats enable
stats auth admin:admin
balance leastconn
option tcpka
option tcplog
server LS01 LS01:5043 check
server LS02 LS02:5043 check
server LS03 LS03:5043 check

listen kibana-http Loadbalancer:80
mode http
stats enable
stats auth admin:admin
balance leastconn
option httpclose
option httplog
cookie JSESSIONID prefix indirect nocache
server ES01 ES01:80 check
server ES02 ES02:80 check
server ES03 ES03:80 check

listen kibana-http Loadbalancer:8080 #marvel
mode http
stats enable
stats auth admin:admin
balance leastconn
option httpclose
option httplog
cookie JSESSIONID prefix indirect nocache
server ES01 ES01:8080 check
server ES02 ES02:8080 check
server ES03 ES03:8080 check

You should probably ask on a haproxy forum, we are not experts on that here unfortunately.

bind *:80 is missing also is kibana listening on 80 on all those back ends? Default is 5601 I believe...