Heap usage is More.. Need to understand more details where the heap is being used and how to optimize it

Hi ,

Below are my ES cluster node Stats.. ElasticSearch version - 5.6. It is occupying more space in "old" gen space.
Why heap usage is more here ? what all are occupying more heap here. And how can i optimize here?
Thanks in advance..

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						"15m": 12.5
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				"timestamp": 1597160007851,
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				"max_file_descriptors": 65536,
				"cpu": {
					"percent": 90,
					"total_in_millis": 175517190650
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				"timestamp": 1597160007852,
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							"peak_max_in_bytes": 907345920
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							"peak_used_in_bytes": 113377280,
							"peak_max_in_bytes": 113377280
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							"max_in_bytes": 30323179520,
							"peak_used_in_bytes": 30319741440,
							"peak_max_in_bytes": 30323179520
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					"count": 213,
					"peak_count": 260
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						"young": {
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							"collection_time_in_millis": 1094240793
						"old": {
							"collection_count": 218678,
							"collection_time_in_millis": 33703498
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					"direct": {
						"count": 197,
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						"total_capacity_in_bytes": 560606941
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						"total_capacity_in_bytes": 1132358371410
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					"total_loaded_count": 17752,
					"total_unloaded_count": 1478
			"thread_pool": {
				"bulk": {
					"threads": 16,
					"queue": 0,
					"active": 1,
					"rejected": 0,
					"largest": 16,
					"completed": 548897242
				"fetch_shard_started": {
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					"active": 0,
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					"completed": 129
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					"largest": 32,
					"completed": 3082
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					"active": 0,
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					"largest": 5,
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					"completed": 0
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					"free_in_bytes": 996709965824,
					"available_in_bytes": 996709965824
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					"path": "/var/lib/elasticsearch/nodes/0",
					"mount": "/var/lib/elasticsearch (/dev/mapper/VG001-LV001)",
					"type": "xfs",
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					"free_in_bytes": 996709965824,
					"available_in_bytes": 996709965824,
					"spins": "false"
				"io_stats": {
					"devices": [{
						"device_name": "dm-7",
						"operations": 3926200409,
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						"write_operations": 3352057019,
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						"write_kilobytes": 76246915519
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						"write_operations": 3352057019,
						"read_kilobytes": 39663481794,
						"write_kilobytes": 76246915519
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				"rx_size_in_bytes": 28499077227102,
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				"tx_size_in_bytes": 23672542048295
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					"limit_size": "29.1gb",
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					"estimated_size": "23.4kb",
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					"xpack_monitoring_6": {
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can you please add some context to your question? This looks fine to me 23/30gb of heap used? The old space is bigger than the new space so it is also normal that it takes up more space.

Can you be more exact what worries you here?

P.S. You can also add the human parameter to this API call, which will return human readable byte values.

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