Heartbeat configuration path not picking up when started

Platform: Windows
Heartbeat 7.0.0

As we expand the amount of servers that were monitoring I've been trying to setup heartbeat to read from the monitors.d folder.

############################# Heartbeat ######################################

# Define a directory to load monitor definitions from. Definitions take the form
# of individual yaml files.
  # Directory + glob pattern to search for configuration files
  #path: ${path.config}/monitors.d/*.yml
  path: D:\basefarm\hearbeat-oss-7.0.0-windows-x86_64\monitors.d\*.yml
  # If enabled, heartbeat will periodically check the config.monitors path for changes
  reload.enabled: true
  # How often to check for changes
  reload.period: 10s

Not an error message but shouldnt this have the same path as directed above?

2019-09-24T09:38:04.022-0400	INFO	instance/beat.go:571	Home path: [D:\basefarm\heartbeat-oss-7.0.0-windows-x86_64] Config path: [D:\basefarm\heartbeat-oss-7.0.0-windows-x86_64] Data path: [C:\ProgramData\heartbeat] Logs path: [C:\ProgramData\heartbeat\logs]

Nothing here is a red flag. The config path in the log message is correct, it's the directory that heartbeat.yml is in, but that can point to additional configs outside that path.

Do you see Config reloader started anywhere in your logs?

Everything here looks correct to be honest, so I'd expect this to work. Can you try running heartbeat with debug logging enabled? Also, does this pick up the configs after a full restart, or are only dynamic reloads not working?

Also, can you share the output of an ls PATH/TO/monitors.d

You can enable debug logging with the following in your heartbeat.yml

logging.level: debug

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