Heartbeat: HTTP check with dynamic url prameter


we´re trying to have some kind of dynamic parameter in the monitored URL in order to prevent the existing cache infrastructure deliver the response. We need to check the underlying infrastructure and not the cache.

I've tried to export an OS environment variable (which is kept updated by cron) in the URL like

But the heartbeat log shows the following error:
ERROR [reload] cfgfile/list.go:69 Unable to hash given config: error_text accessing '0.hosts' (source:'/etc/heartbeat/monitors.d/....

Any idea how to fix the error or implement such kind of functionality in a different manner?

Thanks in advance!

That is not something we currently support, but may come in the future in the form of scriptable API checks with our synthetics product. That's not something we are actively working on at the moment, but is something we would like to do in the medium to long-term.

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