HeartBeat monitor does not display in Kibana

Kibana: 8.10.2
Heartbeat: 8.10.2
Elasticsearch: 8.10.2
ECK: 2.9
K8s: 1.24.3

Hi! I have a problem with display Heartbeat monitor in Kibana!
Heartbeat config:

apiVersion: beat.k8s.elastic.co/v1beta1
kind: Beat
  name: eck-heartbeat
  namespace: eck
  type: heartbeat
  version: 8.10.2
    - type: tcp
      schedule: '@every 5s'
      hosts: ["eck-elastic-es-http.eck.svc.cluster.local:9200"]
    - type: tcp
      schedule: '@every 5s'
      hosts: ["eck-kibana-kb-http.eck.svc.cluster.local:5601"]

          hosts: ["http://eck-elastic-es-http.eck.svc.cluster.local:9200"]
          password: changeme
          username: eck-eck-heartbeat-beat-user

There are no error messages in Heartbeat, Elasticsearch, Kibana logs.

In Kibana overview (apm section) display 2 monitors, but nothing is displayed in the monitors section

Any ideas how to fix it?

Hi @AlekseyD

Could you see the docs into the hearbeat indices?

Hi @suman.kumar, thanks for the reply
Indices are not empty

Hi @AlekseyD

Please try following url and seperate below property in two parts:

hosts: ["eck-elastic-es-http.eck.svc.cluster.local:9200"]

hosts: ["eck-elastic-es-http.eck.svc.cluster.local"]
ports: [9200]

Hi @AlekseyD,

From the configuration it seems like HB monitors are configured in a older way which only works with Uptime App in Kibana - Get started with Uptime | Elastic Observability [8.10] | Elastic

Going forward Synthetics is the recommended way to run Synthetics monitors. For more details around Configuring and using Synthetics monitors. Refer to these docs, Please do let us know if you need more information.


Hi @vigneshshanmugam ,

I followed the docs installation guide, there was a problem in an empty response from the Kibana server, the module is running and is in working condition
Later I will be able to describe the problem in more detail with logs and examples

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