Heartbeat to monitor same service installed in mutiple server and check status in which server up or down?,

Hello All,

I'm facing one issue I've configured below http.yml and with config what is happening is that:

I have same service installed in multiple servers, ex: abc service on server A,B,C,similarly others also.
Now service is running on server A only ,but is show its up on server B AND C,which is wrong.

Kindly suggest how to manage heartbeat to give correct status of same service on multiple server.

Current config is same for all server.
Now api gateway run on 1 server but shows up in all servers.The config file is maintained same in all servers.

- mode: all
  schedule: '@every 10s'
  response.include_body: never
  ipv4: true
  - http://abc:7020/configuration/info
  ipv6: true
  name: mis-server-configuration
  id: mis-server-configuration
    status: 200
  type: http
  enabled: true
- mode: all
  schedule: '@every 10s'
  response.include_body: never
  ipv4: true
  - http://abc:7121/apigateway/info
  ipv6: true
  name: mis-server-apigateway
  id: mis-server-apigateway
    status: 200
  type: http
  enabled: true
- mode: all
  schedule: '@every 10s'
  response.include_body: never
  ipv4: true
  - http://abc:8234/info
  ipv6: true
  name: mis-server-serviceregistry
  id: mis-server-serviceregistry
    status: 200
  type: http
  enabled: true

Service api gateway is avaialbale on only in:06lapp02,not in others,even if its avaiable on them and down should show down.I'm not sure how to define http.yml correctly.

Kidly suggest

Is it possible you have an old heartbeat process running an old config somewhere in the background?

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