[Help] Help about Winogbeat service failure

Hello From Japan

Dear Elastic Engineers, I would like you to check a small problem that occurred in my environment.
My environment is winlogbeat8.11 and I want to send Windows event viewer logs to Elaticsearch.
The configuration including the server environment is as follows.

Client PC Windows10 - winlogbeat8.11
Server Ubuntu22.04 - Elasticsearch8.11& Kibana 8.11

I started the command prompt on the client PC with administrator privileges and was able to successfully install Winlogbeat.

[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS

Status Name Display Name
------ ---- -----------
Stopped winlogbeat winlogbeat

We have confirmed that information is successfully sent to Elasticsearch when you execute the command below.

winlogbeat.exe -c winlogbeat.yml -e

Everything is normal up to this point.
But here comes the problem.

powershell -Command "start-service winlogbeat"

When I try to start Winlogbeat as a service, the following error occurs and the service is forced to close.

start-service : 次のエラーのため、サービス 'winlogbeat (winlogbeat)' を開始できません: コンピューター '.' でサービス 'w
inlogbeat' を開始できません。
発生場所 行:1 文字:1
+ start-service winlogbeat
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OpenError: (System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController:ServiceController) [Start-Service],
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CouldNotStartService,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartServiceCommand

I am trying to solve this problem, but deciphering the error message is also not easy for me.
we need your help
Help me

Thank you

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