I'm using the puppet module to manage elasticsearch (https://forge.puppet.com/elastic/elasticsearch) and x-pack. I'm not sure of the best way to change the default x-pack username and password from elastic / changeme.
From the readme I can see that the following should be added to my manifest to change the password:
notify { 'update password': } ~>
elasticsearch::user { 'elastic':
password => 'mynewpassword',
Should I be adding this to my manifest temporarily, triggering the agent, removing it, then updating the api_basic_auth_password and triggering the agent? When I try this the user fails to authenticate. I'm also not sure how this method is feasible when it comes to multiple environments.
@tylerjl are you able to help with this?
Apologies if the answer is obvious - I'm fairly new to puppet and elasticsearch and am finding this part a little hard to follow.
class profile::elasticsearch {
$hostname = $trusted['hostname']
$datamount = '/mnt/elasticsearch'
$http_port = 9200
$transport_port = 9300
$license = hiera('elasticsearch::license')
$cluster_name = hiera('elasticsearch::cluster_name')
$masterlist = hiera('elasticsearch::masterlist')
$jvm_heap_elastic = hiera('elasticsearch::jvm_heap_elastic')
$jvm_heap_kibana = hiera('elasticsearch::jvm_heap_kibana')
$major_version = hiera('elasticsearch::major_version')
$minor_version = hiera('elasticsearch::minor_version')
$keystorepass = hiera('elasticsearch::keystorepass')
$api_username = 'elastic'
$api_password = 'changeme'
$store = hiera('common::repository')
$minimum_masters = (($masterlist.filter |$x| { $x =~ NotUndef }.length) / 2) + 1 # Calculate the quorum to avoid split brain
# The kibana node may not have as much memory assigned to it as the elasticsearch nodes
# If it is the kibana node, configure the node roles differently
if $facts['servertype'] == 'kibana' {
$jvm_heap = $jvm_heap_kibana
$product1 = 'kibana'
$instance_config = {
'node.master' => false,
'node.data' => false,
'node.ingest' => false,
'http.port' => $http_port,
'transport.tcp.port' => $transport_port,
else {
$jvm_heap = $jvm_heap_elastic
$product1 = hiera('elasticsearch::product1')
$instance_config = {
'node.master' => true,
'node.data' => true,
'http.port' => $http_port,
'transport.tcp.port' => $transport_port,
$cert_location = "/xfer/elasticsearchcerts/${product1}"
# Settings in systemd service file
$es_defaults = {
'MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY' => 'unlimited', # LimitMemLock=infinity
# Settings in elasticsearch.yml file
$es_ymlconfig = {
'cluster.name' => $cluster_name,
'node.name' => $hostname,
'bootstrap.memory_lock' => true, # Ensures memory locking
'network.host' => '_local_,_site_', # Check whether this is site_local or local_site
'discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts' => $masterlist, # List of master-eligible nodes
'discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes' => $minimum_masters, # Minimum number of master nodes
'xpack.ml.enabled' => false, # Disable machine-learning
file { [ $datamount ]:
ensure => directory,
before => Class['elasticsearch'],
# Allow elasticsearch ports on the Linux firewall
firewall { "200 - ES ports ${http_port}, ${transport_port}":
action => 'accept',
proto => 'tcp',
dport => [$http_port, $transport_port],
before => Class['elasticsearch'],
# Configure repository from which to download elasticsearch package
yumrepo { 'elasticsearch':
ensure => present,
baseurl => "https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/${major_version}x/yum",
gpgcheck => 1,
gpgkey => 'https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch',
enabled => 1,
before => Class['elasticsearch'],
include ::java
class { 'elasticsearch':
ensure => 'present',
status => 'enabled',
version => "${major_version}${minor_version}",
jvm_options => [ "-Xms${jvm_heap}g","-Xmx${jvm_heap}g",'-Djdk.io.permissionsUseCanonicalPath=true','-Dlog4j.skipJansi=true','#-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime','#-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps','#-XX:+PrintGCDetails','#-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution','#-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation','#-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow','#-XX:GCLogFileSize=128M','#-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=32','#-Xloggc:${loggc}'], # Settings in jvm.options file
restart_on_change => false, # Ensures the service isn't restarted on config, package or plugin changes
config => $es_ymlconfig,
datadir => "${datamount}/data",
logdir => "${datamount}/logs",
elasticsearch_user => 'elasticsearch',
elasticsearch_group => 'elasticsearch',
service_provider => 'systemd',
init_defaults => $es_defaults,
manage_repo => false,
security_plugin => 'x-pack',
license => $license,
plugindir => '/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins',
configdir => '/etc/elasticsearch',
# API settings
api_protocol => 'https',
api_host => 'localhost',
api_port => $http_port,
api_timeout => 10,
api_basic_auth_username => $api_username,
api_basic_auth_password => $api_password,
api_ca_file => undef,
api_ca_path => undef,
validate_tls => false,
require => [ File[$datamount], Yumrepo['elasticsearch'] , Firewall["200 - ES ports ${http_port}, ${transport_port}"] ],
# Install x-pack plugin
elasticsearch::plugin { 'x-pack':
instances => ["${product1}"],
# More elasticsearch.yml settings
elasticsearch::instance { $product1:
ssl => true,
ca_certificate => "${cert_location}/ca.crt",
certificate => "${cert_location}/${hostname}.crt",
private_key => "${cert_location}/${hostname}.key",
keystore_password => $keystorepass,
config => $instance_config,