Default username and password for Elasticsearch 7.15


I just installed Elasticsearch 7.15.1 on macOS Catalina, and I set the following in Elasticsearch.yml in order to enable security: true

Now, I'm prompted for a username and password, but I don't know what they are. I've seen various posts that it's admin / elasticadmin, elastic / changeme, etc., but none of these work.

Can someone please tell me the default username and password? Also, where can I change these values?



After you set true the next step is to do the password portion.

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That worked---cheers, Aaron! The instructions say, " After you set a password for the elastic user, you cannot run the elasticsearch-setup-passwords command a second time."

What do you do if you need to change the password again?

You can change it in Kibana -> Stack Management -> Users or using the API.

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