X-pack security for elastic search

  1. I had setup x-pack security in elastic search.yml. I had enabled xpack.secuirty.enabled: true and using 30 trial license. When I try to access localhost :9200 it is asking userid and password. I know only super user 'elastic'. But I did not find password. What is the default password ?

Did you run through all the steps here - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/configuring-security.html?

Yes. I did that. I had enabled security credential also. What is happening when I start my Elastic search server and goes to browser http://localhost:9200 it pops a screen asking userid/password. I had found default super user password is 'elastic' but I did not find any password. when I try to update thru curl xput ...
etc. (it is a way to update password given in documents) and still asking user id and password.

I got stuck and I need some help

If you ran bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive then you should have defined all of that?

Thanks i could not change now. When I run thru curl xput etc... it is asking uerid and password.

I had changed my elastic/kibana/logstash/beats passwords.

But still I have problem in getting in Kibana management console for Logstash.


  1. In Elastic x-pack installed in bin folder.

  2. plugins is empty

  3. Logstash throws an error stating that x-pack is installed in logstash and not in Elasticsearch

  4. Actually x-pack plugin is installed in elasticsearch it comes with default in latest release of Elasticsearch.

Please help me



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