Securing Elastic Search single node

I have a single node Elastic Search 6.4, and trying to see if I can add some security on it, like adding a user/password. Trying to follow this guide here

I also have Kibana installed. But I do not see Management->Users? I only see Elasticsearch and Kibana management. How do I enable Management Users in Kibana?

So I am having similar question as this post.

And yes, my localhost:9200 says Elastic Search is running.

Trying to run: elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive, and I get the following. How do I set this x-pack?

Unexpected response code [404] from calling GET http://localhost:9200/_xpack/security/_authenticate?pretty
It doesn't look like the X-Pack security feature is available on this Elasticsearch node.
Please check if you have installed a license that allows access to X-Pack Security feature.

ERROR: X-Pack Security is not available.
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Hi Joseph, The guide you're following is for Elasticsearch 7.3.

Once xpack is enabled in Kibana you will be presented with a login box for kibana and Elasticsearch api calls will require you to supply a username and password.

Instead follow this guide for 6.4 to enable xpack in Elasticsearch

Then follow this guide to enable xpack in kibana

If you run into issues after following these two guides, post your elasticsearch.yml and kibana.yml config files along with your elasticsearch and kibana log files to diagnose.

One important note, when xpack security is enabled, use https instead of http.

Thank you @Preakness

I installed Elastic Search using Windows Installer MSI... and I do not see elasticsearch.yml (I do see kibana.yml). How do I tweak elasticsearch.yml if installed this way?

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