Hi Team,
I am using the below mentioned way for registering my new links to top-nav bar which is successfully working for adding new links from my plugin but now I want to figure out if I can use the below code for disabling some of the pre-existing top-nav links like "share, clone etc" , if not it will be a great help if anyone can guide me in doing so
I am using kibana 6.2 in windows os.
import { NavBarExtensionsRegistryProvider } from 'ui/registry/navbar_extensions';
function navbarButtonProvider(Private, $location, dashboardConfig) {
return {
appName: 'dashboard',
key: 'logout',
label: 'logout',
template: ``,
description: 'test',
hideButton: () => false,
disableButton: () => false,
tooltip: () => 'logout',
run: ()=>{