High load cpu with filebeat windows

We are currently using filebeat on a lot of servers, Linux Red Hat 7.2 or Windows 2008 server.
We have no issues with linux servers and we have a very low CPU consuption.
We have some troubles with filebeat 5.5.2 on Windows 2008 servers.
When we have high activity on a Windows server (1.6 GB/h), the CPU usage of filebeat is very high (> 15%) and it affects significantly our performance mesures.

Looking in code, il seems that buffered I/O are used even for heavily written log files.
Can we suspect a performance hole for this specific case ?
Does it exist a tool to monitor specifically the filebeat process on windows ?

My filebeat.yml (5.5.2)

#=========================== Filebeat prospectors ================================

- input_type: log
    - E:/EquiX/ate_perf.log
  scan_frequency: 10s
  harvester_buffer_size: 16384
  max_bytes: 32766
  tail_files: false
  backoff: 1s
  max_backoff: 10s
  backoff_factor: 2
  ignore_older: 30m
  close_inactive: 5m
  close_renamed: false
  close_removed: true
  close_eof: false
  close_timeout: 0
  encoding: windows-1252

    type_log: CYCATEPERF_PRF
  fields_under_root: true
  enabled: true


#========================= Filebeat global options ============================
filebeat.spool_size: 2048
filebeat.idle_timeout: 5s
filebeat.registry_file: "C:/ProgramData/filebeat/registry"
#filebeat.config_dir: "C:/Program Files/Filebeat/config"
filebeat.shutdown_timeout: 0

#================================ Outputs =====================================

#------------------------------- Kafka output ----------------------------------
  enabled: true
  hosts: ["UD0TX046:9092","UD0TX047:9092","UD0TX048:9092"]
  worker: 1
  compression: gzip

#================================ Logging ======================================
logging.level: info
logging.to_files: true
  path: "E:/filebeat/Logs"
  name: filebeat.log
  rotateeverybytes: 1485760
  keepfiles: 10

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