Highlight object type field while searching for a word match

HI All,

I am trying to highlight the object type field, normal fields highlight is working where as for object field, highlights is returning empty array.
Can anyone please help?
Doc structure is as below.
"document": {
"shareClasses": [
"szdf": "XXX",
"sdf": "XXX",
"documents": [
"sdf": null,
"fileName": "XX",
"documentType": [
"zxc": "T",
"zxc": "zxc"
"documents": [
"sdc": null,
"sd": "sd.pdf",
"sd": [
"sdf reports"
"sdf": "csdf",
"sdf": "vdfvfd",
"dfv": "sdf",
"dfssdf": "dfdsfds"

I have built a mustache template and provided the highlights section.
"highlight": {
"fields": {
"documents.documentType": {
"matched_fields": ["documents.documentType.autocomplete"],
"type" : "plain"

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