How can I do log analysis using kibana

Hello Team,

Till now what I have implemented.

I can see these logs on kibana dashboard when I make a search * in discover.

Can you please help me how can I improve search on dashboard like:

1) I have logs of same file like /mnt/logs/logxyz.log from various different remote machine, so how can I see all these log in same search.

Here I want same logs file from different node to viewed on Kibana.

**2)**How can I apply some analysis based on which I will get graph/diagram showing error. As of now even if there are error in log file and I apply to view pie-diagram/graph diagram it shows all passed. There would be a way I am sure to but I am not sure how to do that.


  1. If they are all the same filename, then just search for that filename.
  2. That's too hard to answer, if you cannot find the errors in a basic search then how do you graph them? Are you sure you have errors in your logs?

Thanks Mark.

Also can you let me know how can I use OR operator in search.
Like eg: I have file name tntracksp.log from 4 different nodes so I want to see it from only host1

Here host1 is the hostname which is also there in logfile so can we write
"tntracksp.log" "host1" in discover search option.


tntracksp.log AND host1 would be more accurate.