Analyzing log files in a static directory

Hi, I'm a newbie to Elastic stack, training in the area of Observability.

I have log files of an application saved in a folder or directory of my computer, not connected to the app.

I would like to analyze and visualize these logs in Kibana.

I'm trying to achieve this using Filebeat, given this configuration of the YAML file:

- type: filestream
id: my-filestream
enabled: true
- /home/myusername/_data/.log

And then I run the commands to setup and start filebeat.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable filebeat.service
sudo systemctl start filebeat.service

Now when I look in the Observability tab, I can see system.syslog under Log Events.
And when I look in the Discover tab under Analyze, I see this:

Can someone guide where I'm going wrong and what may I do?

Hi @Muhammad_Adil_Talay :wave:

Can you look at the Elasticsearch logs, the Kibana logs and the browser dev console to check whether either of them show a related error? From the screenshot I would expect at least the Kibana server to log something.