How can I get a date histogram cumulative cardinality?

I would like to know how could I get the cumulative cardinality of a field in a date histogram, I managed to get the cardinality in a date histogram but the cardinality of each bucket only accounts for the cardinality for that particular bucket, not from beginning to that point in time.

    "size": 0,
    "aggs": {
        "new_user_per_day": {
            "date_histogram": {
                "field": "@timestamp",
                "interval": "day"
           "aggs": {
               "new-users": {
                   "cardinality": {
                       "field": "user"
               "sum_cardinality": {
                   "cumulative_sum": {
                       "buckets_path": "new-users"

That way for each particular bucket in my date histogram I get a cardinality but the same user may repeat over several buckets, so my cumulative_sum aggregation may sum the same user more than once.

I managed to get what I wanted using date range aggregation, but I had to enter the ranges manually